9/5/24 - Some emails are currently offline due to some server and website updates. Please email if you need to contact a committee member and your email will be routed to them. Or check out our CONTACT US page to email them directly at their work email.
Please note that once again outside entities are targeting our sponsors, exhibitors and attendees with offers to sell 2024 attendance lists. These entities are not associated with FIFEC. There is no 2024 attendee list as registration is still open. FIFEC NEVER sells attendee lists. Please don’t respond to emails offering attendee lists, conference registrations or hotel reservations from any sources as they are probably phishing attempts. Conference registration, hotel reservations, award nominations and opportunities to volunteer are only available on our website where you can make your own arrangements. Not sure if an email originated from FIFEC? Contact us at and we will verify it. Thank you.
2024 FIFEC Executive Committee
Well, that's a wrap!
Thank you for all who attended our conference this year!
Please check out our sponsors and exhibitor pages.
SPONSORS: Please view our Interactive SPONSORS page featuring the many skilled and talented firms who support FIFEC and are committed to providing you with the utmost, excellent service to assist in the fight against insurance fraud.
EXHIBITORS: Please view the EXHIBITOR page for more information on exhibiting at this year's conference!
Being an Exhibitor is a great opportunity to network and meet insurance industry professionals, attorneys, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials to showcase how your company’s services can assist their investigations and cases. Many events are held in the Exhibitor Hall to encourage engagement.
With many companies closing offices and people working remotely, a FIFEC Conference Exhibitor Booth is a great way to connect with existing and new clients. Check out our link below for more information.
We hope you are coming to par-tee with us!
We are no longer accepting any new sponsors or registrations for FIFEC’s First Golf Tournament! Please check out our GOLF TOURNAMENT page to learn more for next year.
Please view our Interactive SPONSORS page featuring the many skilled and talented firms who support FIFEC and are committed to providing you with the utmost, excellent service to assist in the fight against insurance fraud.
Each firm’s logo is an interactive link that will launch our sponsors’ websites and allow you to explore the multitude of services they offer to assist with your investigations.
Check out our 2024 FIFEC Sponsors at the link below!
FIFEC is a not for profit educational entity whose mission is to provide high quality educational training opportunities at the lowest cost possible. FIFEC offers a limited number of conference grants available to law enforcement, government investigators, prosecutors who are engaged in the fight against insurance fraud. We are no longer accepting grant applications, so please check back early next year for new opportunities.
We are no longer accepting Call for Presentations for the 2024 Conference. If you’d like to be informed when we start to accept Call for Presentations for the 2025 Conference, please email us at to be added to our mailing list. Thank you for your interest in speaking at FIFEC.
FIFEC is a joint effort between the Florida Division of Investigative and Forensic Services (DIFS) and the Special Investigation Units of the Insurance Industry to facilitate communication and education. The Division of Investigative and Forensic Services of the Florida Department of Financial Services (hereafter referred to as DIFS) and the Special Investigation Units of the Insurance Industry have formed this organization to:
1. Coordinate and host an annual conference featuring training by insurance fraud professionals to educate attendees in identifying, investigating, and prosecuting fraudulent insurance practices.
2. Facilitate attendance at the annual insurance fraud educational conference by providing grants to law enforcement officials, state insurance investigators, fire marshals, local, state, and federal prosecutors, and personnel in various governmental agencies.
3. Encourage communication, networking and coordinated efforts within the insurance industry and law enforcement community to combat insurance fraud by participating in activities approved by the FIFEC Executive Committee.
The Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) has obtained trademark registrations for their trademarks, both the stylized mark and the word mark, through the United States Patent and Trademark Office in class 41.
No individual or entity is allowed to use the FIFEC stylized or word marks, without written permission from FIFEC.
Individuals or entities who use the FIFEC trademarks without written permission will be in violation of the U.S. Lanham Act and Florida Statutes.
FIFEC reserves the right to accept or decline any potential applicant, attendee, speaker, exhibitor and/or sponsor at our discretion.
FIFEC operates in accordance with provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and with all applicable State laws. FIFEC does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, religious belief, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
FIFEC is also committed to complying with all application provisions of the Americans Disability Act (“ADA”) and every reasonable effort is made to accommodate special needs when advised that a need exists.