- July 23-25, 2025
- On Record: 33 1/3 Years Strong Fighting Fraud!
- Renaissance Orlando at Sea World
The Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) is proud of its tradition of offering the very best in insurance fraud education and training from our outstanding speakers. We are currently seeking presentations for our Annual Joint DIF/SIU Conference at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida from July 12 - 14, 2023 Please consider sharing your knowledge and expertise with the insurance fraud investigative field on the following workshop topics:
Arson | Vehicle & Structure Fire Investigations | Workers' Compensation Fraud | Water Losses | Medical Claims
Medical Coding | Hurricane Claim Fraud | Traffic Accident Reconstruction | Public Adjuster Fraud
Social Media Investigations & Issues | Ethics | Premises Liability | Preparing Cases for Trial
Vehicle Theft, Locking and Security Systems | Metal Theft Investigations | Surveillance Techniques
Organized Crime Rings | Pertinent Legal Matters | Statutory & Case Law Updates
proposal DEADLINE: JANUARY 12, 2023
The call for presentation form and all of the supporting documents must be received by January 12th to be considered for the 2023 Conference. If the supporting documents haven’t been submitted by this date, the proposal will not advance for consideration.
4-hour Law & Ethics
FIFEC is extending an invitation for qualified speakers to offer the Florida 4-620 4-Hour Law & Ethics Update Course during the 2023 conference. To accommodate this offering into the FIFEC conference schedule, the course would be presented over two consecutive 100-minute class sessions.
For details, please click the button below.
We are interested in hearing from professionals in the insurance fraud prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution disciplines. Working collectively to share and learn is the key to winning the fight against insurance fraud. If appropriate, we ask potential conference speakers to consider including a Special Investigation Unit representative as a co-presenter.
Florida Approved Instructor Requirements:
Florida Department of Financial Services Bureau of Licensing 69B-228.060 Continuing Education Instructor Requirements: Every presentation must have at least one presenter who meets all of these criteria:
Registered with the Florida Department of Insurance as an instructor,
Experienced and qualified in the subject matter to be taught,
Qualified to act as an instructor in accordance with the criteria listed in paragraph (2)(a) or (b), at right.

You may apply to become an approved CE instructor by clicking this link:
Scroll down to “How to Submit an Instructor Application”.
qualifying and non-qualifying courses
The following courses shall qualify for approval:
1. Courses that are part of a national designation program named in the continuing education law, Section 626.2815, F.S., or
2. Any insurance-related course as referenced in subsection 626.2815(3), F.S.;
3. Courses with significant intellectual or practical content to enhance the insurance knowledge, understanding, ethics, or professional competence of the licensee;
4. Courses that promote an increase in technical knowledge of insurance principles, coverages, laws or regulations utilizing the most recent policy forms and laws.
Courses that focus on the following topics will not be approved:
Preparing students for license examination;
General accounting, goal setting;
Computer use, or computer software application use;
Other general business skills;
Time or stress management;
Promotion or Marketing of vendor product or services;
Unauthorized copyrighted material;
Insurer internal organizational policies & procedures;
Sales, marketing or communication.
supporting documents
The Primary presenter shall provide the following supporting documents after completing FIFEC’s online Call for Presentation Form (at right):
1) A detailed, timed, two-page tiered course outline on MS Word only (no PDFs) consisting of:
a. A total of 100 minutes of instruction and be at least two pages long. A two-part class outline would cover 200 minutes of instructions in a minimum of four pages;
b. The outline should not contain any time dedicated to questions & answers as the state will not count this as approved instructional time;
c. The outline should state the time allotted for each segment;
d. Courses dealing with legal issues should list the applicable statutes, case citations or administrative codes in the corresponding section.
2) Primary presenter's resume or CV (curriculum vitae);
3) A signed Speakers Agreement Form. Download at right.
Co-Presenters shall provide these supporting documents after completing FIFEC’s online Co-Presenters Form (at right):
1) Co-presenter's resume or CV (curriculum vitae);
2) A signed FIFEC Speakers Agreement Form. Download at right.
If these supporting documents are available, they may be uploaded at the time the online application forms are completed. Otherwise, please mail any outstanding supporting documents to speakers@fifec.org.
I submitted a proposal. Now what?
We will confirm the receipt of your proposal via e-mail. The FIFEC Speaker's committee will contact you to discuss further details if it determines that your presentation is a good fit for our conference.
For more information or to be added to the FIFEC's Call for Presentations e-mail announcements list, please e-mail us at speakers@FIFEC.org and add this e-mail to your safe senders list. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
FIFEC appreciates the interest and willingness to participate in our conference. FIFEC receives more proposals than we are able to schedule due to space, time and budgetary constraints. FIFEC reserves the right to accept or decline any potential applicant, attendee, speaker, exhibitor and/or sponsor at our discretion.
committee contacts
Jesus Alvarez
Retired - SIU
305-726-1362 Business Cell
Erica Godwin